3d laser scanning
3D scanning of almost anything from the size of cars and up3d laser scanning
With our new 3D laser scanner, there are now no limits to the size of objects we can scan. Anything from the size of a car and up can be scanned, and we can then take the scanned data and generate a mesh or a parametric file.
The X7 scanner has a range from 0.6m up to 80 meters and can scan under almost any conditions
3D laser scanning of a sailboat
In the first image, you can see the detailed 3D laser scanning of the sailboat. We used the data generated from the scan to create a mesh, which we then 3D printed to showcase the level of detail captured by the 3D laser scanner.
In need of a 3D-laser scanning?
Reach out to us via email or phone and book a meeting to hear more about our 3D laser scanning service.
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